Goal 2: Improve Water Supply Reliability

Improve water supply reliability to meet human needs, reduce energy demand, and restore and maintain aquatic ecosystems and processes.


  • Increase water recycling
  • Increase water use efficiency
  • Reduce water demand
  • Increase water supply

Associated Indicators

Affordable Water Prices

Percent of drinking water suppliers which have instituted an affordable "lifeline" rate for low-income residential customers.

Aquifer Declines

Number and estimated capacity of basins with years-long aquifer declines (known as overdraft) or projected future declines.

Available Water (WRI)

This metric describes the total water available from natural and managed flows and comes from the World Resources Institute (WRI). It is calculated as all water flowing into the catchment from upstream catchments plus any imports of water to the catchment minus upstream consumptive use, plus runoff in the catchment.

Baseline Water Stress (WRI)

Baseline water stress measures total annual water withdrawals (municipal, industrial, and agricultural) expressed as a percent of the total annual available flow. Higher values indicate more competition among users. This indicator was used by the World Resources Institute in the Aqueduct 2.0 project.

Delta: Water Usage

Amount of Delta water used by sector (urban, agriculture, municipal, industrial) per season and per year

Drought Resilience

The maximum severity of drought during which core water demands can still be met, including social and environmental minimum requirements

Earthquake Resilience

The maximum earthquake intensity that can occur without causing more than some amount (e.g., $20 million) in damages due to water infrastructure disruptions, including levees

Forest Land Conversion

Forest land conversion: Total acreage over time. When forests are converted to housing and other developments, many environmental qualities will be negatively impacted.