Goal 1: Sustainable Water Management

Manage and make decisions about water in a way that integrates water availability, environmental conditions, and community well-being for future generations.

Associated Indicators

Aquifer Declines

Number and estimated capacity of basins with years-long aquifer declines (known as overdraft) or projected future declines.

Baseline Water Stress (WRI)

Baseline water stress measures total annual water withdrawals (municipal, industrial, and agricultural) expressed as a percent of the total annual available flow. Higher values indicate more competition among users. This indicator was used by the World Resources Institute in the Aqueduct 2.0 project.

Benefits from Water Management

Equitable distribution of economic and health benefits from water management. Society expects that public trust resources like water are provided equitably. Although inequity may accrue when water is used in particular businesses, the original supply is expected to be managed and delivered in a way that provides equitable distribution of benefits.

Drought Resilience

The maximum severity of drought during which core water demands can still be met, including social and environmental minimum requirements

Ecological Footprint

The Ecological Footprint (EF) is a measure of the amount of biological productive land and sea area are required to meet the consumption and waste production patterns of a population or human process.

Equitable Decision-Making Process

Equitable decision-making process for water management, diversity of participating organizations. A key component to equity and environmental justice is equitable access by all parties to decision-making.

Flood Resilience

The maximum flood that can be experienced without exceeding some amount (e.g., $10 million) in damages. Resilience will increase with improved flows access to floodplains and removal of infrastructure from floodplains.

Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from land or water management, industrial/commercial activities, energy production, or transportation