Streams and rivers may be disconnected by physical and other barriers. Dams, culverts, in‐stream impoundments, high temperature, and excessive aquatic plant growth can all separate waterways into segments (Bourne et al 2011). Fragmentation caused by these natural or artificial barriers cause different effects in watershed health and wildlife that depend on it.
Changes in physical, geomorphological and chemical properties of watersheds are one type of aquatic fragmentation impacts. Natural processes are also altered by the physical and structural changes in watershed and consequently, aquatic organisms and their life cycles are also impacted. Locations where roads cross waterways change the natural shape of the river and how it is allowed to flow through the barrier. This can increase sediment transport and deposition and erosion in riparian habitats (Warren and Pardew 1998, Forman and Alexander 1998). Increases in sedimentation lead to changes in flow regime and water stability, stream channel instability, and reduced water quality (Rieman and McIntyre 1993). An increase in fine sediments, particularly in small spawning streams, can have negative impacts on fish egg survival and spawning success and may directly kill aquatic organisms (Newcombe and Jensen 1996).
Aquatic fragmentation has direct and indirect effects on the ecology, diversity and abundance of a variety of aquatic organisms. Andrew and Wulder (2011), for instance, analyzed the relationships between the population trends of Pacific salmon, from 1953 to 2006, and land cover, fragmentation, and forest age. Their results showed that effects are species specific, but characteristics indicating a legacy of historic and current forest management generally had negative effects, driven by a small subset of highly fragmented watersheds. In particular, the results showed that chum and coho salmon had strong negative relationships with fragmentation. Bain and Wine (2010) studied watershed in the Hudson River and found out that large stream fragments support higher species diversity, more abundant populations, and a greater range of fish sizes.
In addition, the movement and migration of aquatic species is altered due to aquatic fragmentation. Crossings and higher barrier frequency could be associated with increases in the water velocity due to the configuration of a road crossing and are inversely proportional to fish movement (Warren and Pardew 1998). Raymond (1979) and Fergusson et al (2006) have documented that turbines and dams have adverse effects on survival and migration of juvenile salmon, mainly chinook and steelhead, in the Columbia River system.
Roads can also increase the risk of overharvesting for many game fish species (i.e. lake trout and bull trout); for example, road densities as low as 0.1km/km2 have been found to negatively influence trout populations, and new road access into previously remote aquatic habitats can increase angling and poaching mortalities (BCMWLAP 2002) .
In summary, whole watershed connectivity is critical for effective conservation of rivers and networks of wetlands to ensure natural processes (Moilanen et al. 2009; Nel et al. 2009); including upstream connectivity, maintenance of biological diversity, fish migratory routes, free-flowing rivers, significant water yield areas and water quality.