State of the Watershed Reporting Framework (Saskatchewan, Canada)

Area of Focus
Forest and Rangeland Frameworks

To date, most data required for decision support have not been systematically converted into information. To address this critical gap, the Water Security Agency developed the State of the Watershed Reporting Framework. The State of the Watershed Report, based on that framework, will provide a basis for governments, decision-makers, industry and the community to act in the long-term interest of environmental sustainability.
The report uses indicators to assess the current health of Saskatchewan's watersheds, provide information about human activities that impact the environment within watersheds, and evaluate the effectiveness of the management activities. All of this information is presented in an easy-to-understand report card format.


  • Frequent disturbance of forested areas by logging can limit forest productivity, reduce biodiversity, increase soil compaction and erosion, and change nutrient and fire dynamics. Long cycles of artificial disturbance (>100 years) are less likely to negatively impact natural processes and characteristics.