In Australia, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development's 'pressure-state-response' model provides a framework for SoE reports. 'Pressure' (or threat) refers to human activities that affect the environment. 'State' (or condition) refers to the quality of the environment and the functioning of important environmental processes. 'Response' (or actions) refers to initiatives that have been made to address pressures on the environment or to improve or maintain its condition. In WA, a modified version of the model is used: condition-pressure-response-implication. This assists in environmental policy planning while retaining the benefits of an internationally agreed framework for environmental reporting. Similar to many other state and national SoE reports, WA's reports are structured around environmental themes, issues and indicators. 'Themes' refer to major groupings of the environment, including Fundamental Pressures, Atmosphere, Land, Inland Waters, Biodiversity, Marine, Human Settlements, Heritage and Towards Sustainability. 'Issues' refer to environmental problems and are reported under each theme. Environmental indicators are used to provide a summary measure of the changes and/or trends in the environment or for environmental issues. The SoE report is the key mechanism used for reporting on the State's environmental bottom line. The report reviews the progress of WA's economic sectors in the 'Towards Sustainability' theme, by reporting on their sustainable management, use, protection and conservation of natural resources.
Native rangeland shrubs and grasses provide habitat to many native species and are adapted to climatic and fire conditions. Change in the density and occurrence of shrubs and grasses may indicate climatic, land-use, invasive species, or other disturbances/threats to the native plant cover.